Eric, Ashley, Cooper, & Parker

Eric, Ashley, Cooper, & Parker

Monday, July 18, 2011

First Bottle

Since Cooper turned a month old this week, we decided it was time to introduce him to a bottle to start getting him used to it before I go back to work.  So I pumped and let Eric give him breast milk by a bottle.  Well, he wasn't really a fan of it :) 

He took about 2 ounces and he was done.  Hopefully the more I work with him he will start to take it better.  If not, I guess I'll just have to stay home and not go back to work! HA!  I wish!!  But, considering we made an offer on a house today and it was accepted (YAY!) it looks like staying home is out of the question.  Our plan was to live with my mom for about 6 months and save some money, but the right house came along that we just couldn't pass up.  I'm really excited!!  I just dread moving all our stuff again.  At least most of it is still in boxes! 

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