Eric, Ashley, Cooper, & Parker

Eric, Ashley, Cooper, & Parker

Friday, December 9, 2011


Cooper man is now 25 weeks old!  In 1 week he will be 6 months old.  Gosh, time has flown by so fast.  Every day is such a joy.  I love watching him develop new skills.  He grabs for everything now.  I have to watch what's in his reach because he will have it in 2.5 seconds and most of the time its going in his mouth :)  He has the best little personality.  I think he is going to be very laid back and easy going. 

 Oh this smile makes me giddy.  Love it!

Last week we introduced rice cereal. He did good with it for a couple of days and then we sort of had a regression.  He decided rice cereal did not taste very good.  Every time I would try and feed it to him he made the most awful faces and would cry.  So this week I mixed it with some pears and.........

If you can't tell, he really like it! HA!
(By the way, he was sitting under the light in the kitchen when we took these pictures and it made his hair look REALLY red! LOL)

 More, mama, more!

 Good stuff!!

So, needless to say, we will be adding a  little fruit in our cereal from now on!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I can't believe it has been 6 months since he was born. He is so cute! I love your decorations and stockings! You did a great job!