Gosh it feels like forever since I've posted anything! We have been so busy moving and unpacking. This week is our second week in the new house. The first week we were pretty much living out of boxes, but last weekend we got a lot accomplished, so its starting to look like home! I love it! We have so much more room. I loved our house in Magnolia but we had definitely out grown it. It's so nice having more space. Its been fun fixing it up and decorating. I'll be glad when we are totally finished and can relax! With all the craziness of moving, my baby boy also turned 4 months old! He had his 4 month check up yesterday. He weighed 14# 4oz and was 25 inches long. He's plotting right at the 50th percentile. Everything was good except he still has a snotty nose. He's had it for 3 weeks! They prescribed antibiotics a week ago for an ear infection and his nose cleared up a little, but now it's worse again. They told me yesterday that there's really nothing they can give him to make it better. I feel so bad for him because he can't breathe good. He has been sleeping in his car seat so he can be upright to breathe better when he sleeps. I am so ready for it to clear up!
I made it a point to take some pictures this weekend. I haven't been very good lately because we have been so busy, but I'll be back to my obsessive picture taking self soon :)
He loves rolling around on the carpet. He rolls from his back to his tummy, but he hasn't figured out yet how to roll back over :)
This face cracks me up!
My smiling boy!
More giggles
Big stretch!
He was laughing at my mom! I couldn't get him to look at the camera
Mimi and her boy
Love it!
Looks like I caught him off guard! HA!
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